Our large home has 8 bedrooms, offering 24 hour care, with 2 staff on at all times. Although there are no nursing staff on site, residents who require support get daily visits from bureau nursing agencies.
House A
Daytime Support 24 hr sleepover.
Our smaller home has one carer at all times (sleepover at night) who provides assistance with cooking, personal hygiene, outings and activities. It's a fun, caring, nurturing homely environment.
Paulownia Trust
Daily Life
Frequently asked questions
Are you able to provide medical treatment? We do not have registered nurses at Paulownia, but we do administer prescribed medications.
Do you have any registered nurses? No, but residents do receive visits from nursing bureaux as required.
Is your team vaccinated? Yes all staff and residents are fully vaccinated. All staff are also police checked.
“I’m living my best life ever”
“I get to go to lots of sporting events”
“The homes are nice and I like the colour of my room”